Our Creative Copywriting: The Details

After our discovery call, we’ll choose one of these packages or create our own, depending on your needs.


We begin by revising your current marketing materials and considering your goals. During our first month together, I’ll create for you:

- Complete SEO Audit + copy edits on your current website

- A new long-term strategy, with your marketing funnels and plans for our work together (with monthly calendars)

Our marketing coaching container will begin this month and endure according to the length of our plans.

Month 1: $2,000 value, bundled at $1,800 for you

Our marketing coaching includes:

- 1 hour Zoom call to begin the month (setting intentions, answering questions, revisiting our goals)

- Notes and follow ups on our call

- Several short check-in meetings throughout the month

- All the detail-oriented tasks that will come up

- Unlimited messaging support via email & text

Marketing coaching: $400 per month + the value of the copy I’ll create for you, according to our plans


After we discuss your business during a one-hour call, I’ll write your new or revised website for you, including:

- 4 webpages (homepage, About Me, your offerings, contact, etc.)

- 1 landing page for an upcoming special event (retreat, workshop, membership program)

- 1 opt-in to collect subscribers for your email list

- Complete SEO-optimization and all the details (like registering your business as a location and submitting your new webpages to be indexed by Google)

I will check on the progress of your website and update you periodically, watching the organic traffic to your site increase over time.

Total value: $3,300

Hands outstretched, holding bright crystals by the river.


I can write new automated email sequences for you—or set you up with a steady steam of newsletters, reaching from your heart to your subscribers’ inboxes every month. We’ll discuss your current goals and determine a plan during our discovery call.

Your sequence of 5 emails welcomes new subscribers to your email list, announces a special holiday or sale, introduces a new offering or upcoming event. Slowly your readers receive information and come to an empowered decision about your offerings.

Total value: $1,000 per sequence of 5 emails; $800 for your first sequence

One-time broadcast emails or monthly/ bi-weekly newsletters maintain a steady conversation between you and your community, providing updates and promoting exciting events.

Total value: $200 per marketing email, likely bundled in groups of 4

Our editing process ensures that each email will still feel like you, capturing your unique energy and the details of each offering. We will only send the emails when you feel totally good about them.

My email marketing includes:
valuable copywriting that sounds like you and inspires action; the market research I do on your ideal clients; multiple rounds of edits; formatting the finished email sequence in your ESP.

I also track the results of all email campaigns and send you feedback on them for months to come.

Roots grow down deep into the river, surrounded by the positive features of New Earth Copywriting.